Children's Festival 2020 Canceled.
Donate Product or Other Items
The Children's Festival is seeking donated items for two features of this event. Donating to either or both is beneficial because it provides an opportunity to promote businesses and organizations. Donors are encouraged to include items that directly promote their business such as coupons, a free trial of their service, or a free product. Perhaps consider a small gift basket with a combination of a couple items.
Prize Walk
The Prize Walk is played like a cake walk, but the items do not have to be baked goods. This game will be held at regular intervals throughout the day for attendees (ages 2-12). The purpose of the Prize Walk is to have a fun activity that will attract visitors all day and provide a way for children to win larger prizes.
Items for the Prize Walk need to be attractive to young children. These include books, stuffed animals, puppets, games, toys, puzzles, candy, baked goods ($5-20 value).
Silent Auction Items
Weld RE5J Early Childhood is holding a silent auction at the Children's Festival with all proceeds going toward the preschool. Items that appeal to adults for the silent auction are greatly appreciated ($20 & up in value).
Printable Donation Request Letter
Sponsorships Also Available
Sponsorships are available (and include a booth). Sponsor Information